2013年5月31日 星期五

托福120滿分 台灣終於又1人

(中央社訊息服務20130531 14:55:45)托福2006年改制後,「托福滿分」是個極少數人能到達的分數,台灣考生該如何準備才能達到高分? 相信這是許多人共同的疑問。任職於哈佛英文補習班並在今年5月取得托福120滿分的Eric老師,將告知大家他的滿分技巧。 

Eric表示TOEFL iBT是一個需要技巧的考試,即便是native speaker,沒有充分準備的話也不容易考到115以上的高分。 托福的難度設計大約是落在美國學生大一的英文程度,所以國內考生在經過大學課程的訓練後,只要加強英文基礎及技巧,要考出破百、甚至挑戰更高的分數也不無可能。 

關於考試準備的部分,聽力可說是相當重要的一環;由於現在的托福考試,在listening, speaking 以及writing部分都和聽力結合,因此平時練習做題目時就要注意理解能力和抓重點的速度,如果漏掉題目,也要避免影響到接下來的作答。 而作筆記可說是很重要的應試技巧,如果能掌握關鍵字,其實不需要記得太詳盡,以免耽誤作答時間。 



寫作方面,同學需多注意立論部分。如果今天考題問有關於環保方面的政策,下筆時就不能只是回答 “positive” 或是 ”good”,接著還要深入寫出你為何支持這個政策的論點,比方說它可以有效降低汙染、比舊政策還要有效率、比較容易被大眾接受…等,這才是一個完整的觀點,方能得到較高的分數。



2013年5月21日 星期二


Employees Get Tattoo of Company Logo For Pay Raise

 Would you get inked with the company logo for a pay raise?

A New York-based real estate firm Rapid Realty has offered its 800 employees a 15% pay raise if they tattoo the company’s logo onto their bodies, and the offer is snowballing (像滾雪球般增大), according to CBS New York. So far, nearly 40 employees accepted the challenge, AOL Jobs reported.

There were apparently no size or location restrictions for the logo tattoos. For instance, Brooke Koropatnick told CBS New York that she got hers behind the ear.

Employees who agreed to get inked said getting a substantially (實質上、基本上) larger paycheck was motivation enough to get a tattoo. In a video, Brooklyn-based broker (經紀人) Adam Altman said the ink would be a reminder to work harder. “I don’t see myself going anywhere, and if I have it on my arm, it’ll force me to keep going and working hard [sic],” Altman said.

Owner Anthony Lolli told CBS New York that he got the idea from an employee who had done it.

He calls me up, he says ‘Hey Anthony, I’m getting the logo on me.’ I show up at the shop and I’m like ‘this is cool, how can I repay (報答、酬報) you?’ ” Lolli said.

Lolli said the employees who have gotten inked (簽字、簽約) “get a lot of respect from the other agents with the amount of commitment that they have,” AOL Jobs reported.  The company owner pays for the tattoos, which can cost up to $300. Lolli told CBS New York that he hasn’t gotten inked yet, but plans to eventually (最終).

Perhaps getting permanently (永久地) branded with a company logo gives a whole new meaning to the term “walking billboard.”


AOL的全名為「American Online」,一般稱他為「美國在線」或「美國線上」。AOL是美國勢力很大的網路媒體公司,於2000年被美國時代華納公司併購。前一陣子也才聽說Yahoo為了對抗微軟的併購,積極的想跟AOL有些合作或合併。

2013年5月1日 星期三


Louvre Museum Closes as Staff Protests Epidemic (極為流行的) of Pickpocketing

The world’s most visited art museum is dealing with an influx (匯流、湧進) of unwelcome visitors.

A staff walkout over the rise of pickpockets (扒手) forced the Louvre in Paris to shut its doors Wednesday, Agence France-Presse reports.

Workers say that thieves have been showing up at the museum in gangs of up to 30 — primarily made up of young Eastern Europeans — and are responsible for incidents (事件、插曲) of “spitting, insults, threats” and striking employees and visitors.

Staffers “come to work afraid because they find themselves confronted with organized groups of pickpockets who are increasingly aggressive (有侵略性的) and which include children, who get into the museum free and even when taken in for questioning by police, come back a few days later,” Christelle Guyader, a representative (代表) for the network of trade unions Solidaires Unitaires Démocratiques (SUD), told the AFP.

The Louvre did request more police protection late last year and is planning to immediately increase law enforcement (實施) presence around the premises (館址), as well as limit access to people already outed (揭露) as pickpockets, a spokesperson for the museum told the AFP.

Last year, nearly 9.7 million people visited the landmark, best-known as the home of Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.


羅浮宮始建於12世紀末,由法王腓力二世(「奧古斯都」)下令修建,最初是用作防禦的城堡,邊長約90米,四周有城壕, 其面積大致相當於今羅浮宮最東端院落的四分之一。

當時的羅浮宮堡並不是法國國王的居所,而是被用來存放王室財寶和武器。 法國國王對藝術品的收集始於弗朗索瓦一世時期,弗朗索瓦一世曾從義大利購買了包括油畫蒙娜麗莎在內的大量藝術品。 

拿破崙在征服歐洲各國的同時,將被征服國家的藝術品大量運往法國,送至羅浮宮(此時已改名為「拿破崙博物館」)展出,還增加了古羅馬和古埃及藝術品展廳。 但隨著1815年拿破崙的第二次退位和終生放逐,羅浮宮藏品中約有5000多件藝術品被歸還給原來所屬國。 


1981年,法國政府決定將羅浮宮建築群的全部建築劃撥博物館,並對羅浮宮實施了大規模的整修。由華裔美籍設計師貝聿銘(1983年普利茲克獎得主, 被譽為「現代主義建築的最後大師」)(the last master of high modernist architecture)設計的位於羅浮宮中央廣場上的透明金字塔建築。