2013年3月28日 星期四


Vietnam to Ban Short, Fat Police Officers from Traffic Duty

The police force in Vietnam’s capital city of Hanoi is undergoing a makeover (美容)
— and cracking down (壓迫) on the physique (體格、體型) of its on-duty traffic officers, the BBC reports.

Officers who are described as overweight, short or abusive will be removed from the streets and reassigned to desk duty, in an attempt to improve the image of Hanoi’s traffic police department. A recent World Bank-backed survey on the most corrupt institutions (組織、團體) in Vietnam found the traffic force at no. 1, according to the Agence France-Presse.

In 2011, authorities (有關當局) banned Hanoi police from wearing sunglasses on duty or hiding behind trees to catch drivers, while attempts were made to recruit (招募) female traffic cops in an attempt to improve public perception (認知) of the force.

The removal of Hanoi’s less attractive officers may improve the force’s physical image, but it doesn’t quite solve the corruption (貪腐) problem. However, according to the BBC, in addition to the new waistline regulations, on-duty policemen will be forced to carry an official code of conduct on professional behavior with them at all times.

Vietnam is not the only country to begin regulating its police officers’ weight. Last year the Indonesian capital of Jarkarta ordered its police to exercise twice a week while the U.K. has proposed disciplinary measures for overweight officers. Mexico and South Africa have also implemented (執行、實施) obesity-related policies for police forces.

河內市(越南語:Thành phố Hà Nội/城舖河內)是越南社會主義共和國的首都,位於越南北部,紅河三角洲西北部,紅河右岸和紅河與墩河的匯流處,因處紅河與蘇瀝江之間而得名「河內」。河內是越南的工業、文化中心,同時也是越南歷史古都,其擁有1000多年歷史,從西元11世紀起就是越南政治、經濟和文化中心,市區歷史文物豐富,名勝古跡遍佈,市內古跡眾多。人口約為620萬,多為京族。

