2013年6月5日 星期三


Sydney Cafe Lets You Pay with a Kiss

One café in Sydney, Australia has an unusual marketing proposition (提議): For the entire month of June, your coffee is free if you kiss the person you came with. The only catch (只需要) ? You have to do the smooching (擁吻) between the hours of 9 and 11 a.m. Otherwise you have to pay the regular $3.50 price for the fresh brew (沖泡、煮).
What kind of kiss? Apparently, air-kissing won’t suffice (足夠、滿足) here. “It has to be a real kiss…a true kiss. I can see if it is a fake kiss. I am kind of a specialist (專家),” one French waiter at the three-month old Metro St James teases a middle-aged couple in the video shown here.
Sure, it’s a gimmick (花招). But so far, it’s getting positive reviews on the cafe’s Facebook page. “What a good idea! This should be done all over!” wrote one commenter. Or, as one French speaker put it: “Il y a de l’amour dans l’air, bonne journée!” (有愛在空氣中,美好的一天!)
Apparently (顯然地) the food’s not bad, either. According to Time Out Sydney, which gave the Hyde Park bistro a four-star rating, “if you only eat one thing here, make it the chocolate and berry pudding. It’s a sort of French take on bread and butter pudding, made from pressed croissants all bound with chilled crème anglaise (乳蛋糕).”
One thing we’d like to know, however: If there is no one to tag along with you, can you can just plant (栽種、播種,這裡指獻吻,意思近種草莓) one on a cute waiter?


