2015年3月18日 星期三

英語加油站- 玄妙無窮.星座英文應用教學


        有關於星座,有別於一般天文學所撰述的天體,其實我們平常談論的星座比較偏向於命理結構議題,也就是所謂的西洋占星術(Western Astrology),才是我們俗稱的星座,是今日最普及於坊間的占星術體系,也為具代表性的古典命理學,主要是將黃道帶人爲劃分為十二個隨中氣點移動(與實際星作位置不一致)得君等區域以分別充當實際的黃道星座



Aries 牡羊座 (321日~42​​0日)

a.: 對待自己的另一半像個糾察隊, 隨時給你高分貝的叮嚀
建議: 其實可以偶爾展現一下自己濃厚的女人味, 讓另一半陶醉)
During the moment of dealing with the lover, always serve as the pickets to give you all of the well-balanced reminders.
(It could be fascinating of embracing the womanliness of yourselves)
b.: 對待感情, 像個無所畏懼的戰士, 高水準的行動力, 時時刻刻需要另一半的鼓勵
建議: 需要學習的是踏實地尊重他人意願, 維持關係的和諧)
The way they treat their own relationships, always act like fearless warriors who are full of the motives to take control of everything; They need mates who are willing to support and encourage them.
(With the respect to learn how to obtain other people’s wishes; in order to maintain the relationship in harmony)

2. 個性:
The fire element of Arise always brings the assertive “faith” energy with him/her.

3. 生活面:
The personality of persistence will lead them to success. But their impulsive temper may also cause some other problems.

Taurus 金牛座(421521日)

1. 感情:
a.: 金牛座的愛, 像一位貼身管家, 掌管你的金錢、生活、工作還有你整個人
建議: 偶爾發揮一下自己的幽默感, 會讓彼此的關係更甜蜜)
The love given by Taurus always serves as a housekeeper who in charge of your money, living, jobs and the whole person of you.
(Sometimes, you should give a try of showing some sense of humor, perhaps the whole situation will turn even better)

b.: 屬於居家良伴, 喜愛安定舒適, 需要具備足夠耐心及坦承的另一半
建議: 要去學習更直率的情感表達, 就是要敢愛、敢恨)
A personality who could be the most suitable person accompanying you to do anything you like. Inclined to living in a stable lifestyle. They need somebody who is patient and always willing to bear the burden with him/her.
(You can be more like yourselves and make the emotions of love and hate more distinct)

2. 個性:
The Earth element of Taurus would probably bring the strength and the desire for solid position or power.

生活面: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.

Gemini 雙子座(522日~621日)

1. 感情:
a.: 雙子座的愛就是永遠都需要你的陪伴, 喜歡和你一起探索世界的未知及趣味性
建議: 由於興趣廣泛, 常常會讓自己顯得立場、態度飄忽不定, 可以試著對另一半偶爾表示一下妳那專一、穩定的感情)
The loving of Gemini is always looking for an eternal companion, they enjoy every second spent exploding the unknown and the happiness with you.

(Because of the interests they have been getting involved are too wide, their attitude or focus sometimes would seem to be roving around, it keeps their lovers feeling  insecure; I’ll suggest give your lovers some promises to let the people who you truly care about to experience your stable emotion sometimes)

b.: 最大的問題就是小聰明太多, 有時候還不如一句最直接的告白
建議: 最需要學習的是誠實跟適度的坦白)
The biggest problem would be always relying on the little tricks, but sometimes you just need to show your love more frankly.
(All you need is to maintain your honesty and confession)

2. 個性:
The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed.

3. 生活面:
Your mutable motivati​​on brings adaptability.


1. 感情:
a.: 巨蟹座的愛永遠都像一位慈愛的母親, 給你無微不至的叮嚀和關心
建議: 孩子的媽, 偶爾也要讓妳的情人, 自個出去好好地闖蕩、冒險一下吧!)
The love of Cancer is serving as a thoughtful mother, always make sure to give you the considerate care and concern.
(Sometimes, you just need to let your babe to explore and feel the world on their own;
Just leave some space or freedom to them)

b.: 月亮掌管的巨蟹, 永遠是家園的保全, 敏感、愛家又念舊, 需要一位善解人意的伴侶(建議: 要去學習幫自己建立明確的目標跟計畫, 不留戀於過去)
Cancer is ruled by the moon, they are perfect securities of our hometown, remaining the personality of being sensitive, faithful to their home and fond of the old times. If there is a mate who could be as considerate as they are, it would be perfect.
(Gonna figure out some specific purposes and plans for your dream, never delay leaving from the past)

Cancer's element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive.

3. 生活面:
Good memory is your born gift.

Leo 獅子座(723日~823日)

1. 感情:
a.: 獅子座沉浸在愛情的甜蜜裡時, 是一隻溫馴、愛撒嬌的喵咪, 但是生起氣來, 又會變身成叢林裡獅王
建議: 要學著為自己的脾氣跟性情設置一個停損點)
When Leo is intoxicated with the sweetness of the love, they would act like a group of tender kitties; but when they are pissed off, there would be the arrogant lions you have to deal with.
(Take control of your temper nicely!)
b.: 太陽掌管的獅子座是萬獸之王, 愛當大哥、當明星, 需要跟他一樣亮眼, 又懂得欣賞他的另一半 (建議: 需要學習的是與世無爭跟再做決定時的獨立性)
Love to be the shining star within the crowd they have been staying, hence, they always wish to run into some people who are as outstanding as they do.
(You don’t need to live a world where are full of enemies to prove the excellence of yourselves, just make sure to build up your independences)

2. 個性: Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.

3. 生活面:
Your fixed motivati​​on adds self-reliance. But remember to balance self-confidence with humility.


1. 感情:
a.: 處女座的愛, 像董事長的特助, 自己再怎麼忙、再怎麼累, 也一定要確保情人接受到自己最全面的協助
(建議: 有話當說直須說, 莫待一切來不及)
The exhibitions of Virgo’s love always help them serve just like an assistant of CEO in the lives of yours.
No matter how tired or busy they are, they will try everything to overcome the problems with you.
(Split out your thoughts and feelings of your mind)

b.: 水星掌管的處女座, 是完美主義者, 聰明、有效率又注重細節, 需要懂得感恩, 又能時時給予稱讚的伙伴 (建議: 要去學習更加深入的包容、體諒以及接納身邊其他人所付出的心力)
Typically a completist who fulfill the goals with brilliant minds and high efficiency, besides always focus on the details they can see. They need companions filled with tolerance and thankfulness, if you can give some complements would be even better.
(Must learn how to take the tolerance, understanding and acceptance into your working subject much deeper, besides, gonna cherish the contributions of others)

2. 個性:
Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability.

3. 生活面:
A good educational background is important. Diligence is your advantage.


1. 感情:
a.: 天秤座的愛, 像大學教授, 永遠都會給你最準確、客觀的評估和意見
建議: 對於自己的感情, 偶爾要學著展現一下自己的熱情)
Always act like professor in college, make sure to give you the best, the most objective evaluations and opinions for you.
(Never conceal your passion of loving somebody)

b.: 金星掌管的天秤座, 是平衡主義者, 重視和平、美感且思慮周密, 需要果斷的小幫手作陪伴 (建議: 要去實踐更具體的行動跟自我表達)
Theoretically activists of balance who value peace and aesthetics the most, and always being thoughtful with every task they complete. The partners with feature of remaining firm and resolute would be perfect.
(You only need to take actions to move the mountain or express yourselves)

2. 個性:
Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active.

3. 生活面:
Your great need to share; to be fair and impartial will help you a lot.

Scorpio 天蠍座(1024日~1122日)

1. 感情:
a.: 天蠍座的愛, 像一座穩固、扎實的堡壘, 極盡安全, 但你可能會找不到出口
(建議: 可以試試看對自己的另一半, 偶爾展現一下自己的信任)
The love of Scorpio just like a solid fortress, it’s too safe for you to find a way out for some fresh air.
(Sometimes, you can show some respect and trust to your lover, it might improve the relationships)

b.: 冥王星跟火星所掌管的天蠍座, 是名符其實的黑暗騎士, 隨時準備付出所有, 在相處上, 喜歡保持神祕/懸念, 對於感情義無反顧, 不斷死而復生, 需要的是一位忠誠度極高的伴侶
建議: 你們的感情生活無須戒慎戒恐, 要去學習的是簡單、輕鬆寫意的步調跟氛圍)
Typically a dark knight who is willing to feel and love abundantly keeps the information or images of their own mysterious. The attitude of engaging with their lovers is persistent. They need the soul mate whoever is absolutely loyal to the whole relationship.

2. 個性:
Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign.

3. 生活面:
Study would never be a problem for Scorpio. You just need more confidence.


1. 感情:
a.: 射手座的愛, 像大學室友一樣, 相處起來輕鬆自在, 沒有壓力
(建議: 偶爾要對自己的生活細節或是另一半對妳的付出, 稍微再細心一點體會更感受)
The love of Sagittarius is just like getting you into a situation of staying with roommates. It’s relaxing.
(Sometimes, you shall keep an eye on others’ concern, be more thoughtful)

: 木星所掌管的射手座, 永遠是活力的發電廠, 個性開朗、熱愛冒險也常常求新求變, 需要一位能夠直率表達心情的伴侶
建議: 要適度去學習幫自己培養細微的觀察力, 以及跟另一半圓滿的溝通協調能力)
Sagittarius who are open-minded and challenge-enjoying are always full of energy to fulfill everything. They need a lover can be always straightforward to him/her. 

2. 個性:
Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign.

3. 生活面:
You definitely have talent. But you still have to concentrate more.


1. 感情:
a.: 摩羯座的愛, 會時常像你的一位高階主管, 直接領導跟幫你規劃將來
建議: 因為比任何人都更看重自己的事業跟職涯發展, 所以常常會讓另一半有所質疑: 妳到底是嫁給了工作, 還是嫁給我? 所以, 要適度學習放下工作, 好好享受一下與另一半的邂逅跟深度培養感情)

b.: 土星掌管的摩羯座, 永遠是一位堅毅的實踐家, 緻密的計劃以及絕佳的行動力, 需要一位適度尊重及崇拜他的伴侶
建議: 需要學習的是為人處事可以多多少少再感性、隨和一些)

2. 個性:
Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. Here is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac.

3. 生活面:
Patience and caution are your advantages.


1. 感情:
a.: 水瓶座的愛, 常常像一陣龍捲風, 你會不自覺地深陷其中, 不經意地隨之起舞
建議: 由於注重個人的時間跟生活空間, 也時常害怕陌生的改變或是嘗試, 所以跟情人的距離時常忽近忽遠, 讓另一半沒有安全感, 所以, 可以學著適度應許承諾, 做更深入的陪伴, 讓感情連貫)

b.: 天王星掌管的水瓶座, 永遠趨勢預言家、哲學家或是科學家,生活獨立,崇尚自由自在,需要一位不會過度依賴的伴侶
建議: 需要去學習獅子座的熱情和表現欲望, 撇除過度的內斂及含蓄, 愛就要大聲說出來)

2. 個性:
Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires it. This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.

3. 生活面:
Aquarius has a lot of adaptability. But you may try many new things but end up mastering none.


1. 感情:
a.: 雙魚座的愛, 像個純潔、天真的小女孩, 一旦認定了, 你就是她的全世界
建議: 因為投注在另一半身上的關注跟照顧, 永遠比自己本身還多非常多, 只在乎對方, 所以就理所當然地忽略掉了自己的感受, 所以, 要學著在甜蜜的兩人世界裡, 去找尋屬於自己的平衡, 活出自己的特色跟追求, 該妳當主角的時候, 就要大放異彩, 不用跟任何人客氣!)

b.: 海王星和木星掌管的雙魚, 永遠都是好好先生, 多愁善感、常常為他人犧牲也樂於包容, 需要的是一位長期、穩定的終生伴侶
建議: 需要去學習的處女和魔羯的處事原則清楚;讓自己跟他人的關係條理分明)

2. 個性:
Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune, This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.

資料來源: 西洋占星術 維基百科

