2013年2月4日 星期一



From magnetic (有吸引力的、有魅力的) polishes (指甲油) and subscription (訂閱) services (服務) to Shellac manicures (Shellac美甲凝膠,一種在美國很受歡迎的美甲產品) and at-home gel sets (家用凝膠組), the nail care industry (美甲產業) has been one of beauty’s fastest-growing sectors (部門) in recent years. WWD (Women's Wear Daily,美國知名女性時尚網站) reports nail polish sales hit a record $768 million in the U.S. in 2012, a 32% gain (收益) over 2011, despite a cluttered (凌亂、混亂的) market that seemingly (表面上、似乎是) sees a new launch (發行、投入市場) each week.

Like lipstick (口紅), nail polish is often considered an economic indicator (指標). “A rise in nail polish sales indicates (表示) that we’re searching for bargain (便宜的) luxuries (奢侈品) as the economy craters (突然衰退) ,” wrote Adam Davidson, co-founder of NPR’s (National Public Radio,美國公共聯播網) Planet Money (NPR介紹生活化的經濟趨勢、現象的一個部落格), in the New York Times in 2011. That theory would seem to prove true of last year’s boom (繁榮、大漲) , too: decorative (裝飾) treatments (處理), including patterned (有圖案的) nail stickers (貼紙) and textured (特定結構的) polishes, were among the most popular emerging (新興的)
Trends (趨勢). Gel products, which saw a growth spike (突然熱銷) during the holiday season, are also on the rise.

Elsewhere (另一方面) , social media (社群媒體) is also giving the sector a boom. Lori Silverstein, chief beauty officer for Peninsula (半島) Beauty, attributed (歸功於)
the company’s 30% growth to apps like Instagram, which allows users to share pictures of (and perhaps create buzz (
議論紛紛、吵雜聲) about) their nail art. In September, E! Online even introduced a “Mani Cam” at the 2012 Emmy Awards, inviting celebrities to walk their fingers down a red carpet for a close-up (特寫) view of their manicures. The gimmick (花招) was panned (批評) at the time, but in light of the industry’s latest sales figures (銷售數字), Mani Cams may only be the beginning.

Buzz :

Shellac是一種特殊的美甲產品。 Shellac的使用方式,幾乎和一般的指甲油差不多。先上一層base coat,上兩層喜歡的顏色,再上一層top coat,都和一般指甲油一樣,只不過這些產品都必須是shellac系列的。此外,每上一層,就要在紫外線燈下照射約一分半,才能再上另一層。最後top coat照了紫外線,再用酒精擦拭就有增加亮度的效果。這樣就完成了。雖然上一層就要照一次光,好像很花時間,但實則不然。因為照了光以後,立刻凝固,這整個流程一結束,任憑你立刻怎麼動手、怎麼碰撞,都不會損壞剛做好美美的指甲!一般的指甲油上完後,總得小心翼翼保護一段時間、確保完全乾掉才能恢復自由,而且就算乾了,一碰撞還是會「落漆」。Shellac完全沒這個困擾。流程一結束,就隨便你怎麼碰怎麼撞,只要不是太誇張(像是刻意拿東西摳它),完全不會有任何損傷!Shellac做出來的指甲,也有美麗的光澤,可以維持兩個星期,不像一般指甲油過個幾天就光彩盡失。此外,因為它就像是指甲油那樣擦上去,所以沒有厚重的問題,就跟一般指甲油一樣輕盈。雖然輕盈,但它的強韌度可十分驚人,讓我這個指甲薄軟的人極為喜愛,就像替我的指甲穿上盔甲一樣。Shellac也不是沒有缺點。它的缺點就是很難卸。一般的去光水是去不掉的。


˙什麼是Mani Cams?
Mani Cams是美國娛樂網站E! Online2012年艾美獎的頒獎典禮所做的一個特殊橋段;鏡頭會照著藝人的手指,並讓他們的手指像明星般在小紅地毯上已展示她們的美麗彩繪指甲。 雖然這個橋段備受爭議,但也為美甲業者和公司帶來可觀的獲利。
影片: http://youtu.be/a-aLg-X3xJs

