2013年2月25日 星期一




Ang Lee’s Academy Award for directing ‘Life of Pi’ thrills people in his home of Taiwan


首先,來看看標題中thrill這個單字,或許有人會立刻想到害怕的顫抖,或是顫慄,不過這個字也有正面意思,也就是興奮到發抖,的確李安獲得奧斯卡獎讓台灣多數民眾非常振奮。學了這個字後以後不要每次都寫XXX is so excited with something囉。

TAIPEI, Taiwan — A second Academy Award for director Ang Lee has surprised his home of Taiwan as much as Hollywood.
Lee Gang, the director’s brother, said he thought “Life of Pi” might not be an Oscar favorite because its theme isn’t mainstream. The shipwreck story of an Indian boy on a boat with a tiger was crafted with a production team of international artistic and visual effects workers, whose efforts helped the film garner the most awards of Sunday evening’s ceremony with four.
Mainstream: 這個字是主流的意思,而相對來說非主流、另類這個詞我們會如何表達呢?一搬來說,常見的字眼會有alternative

Garner 在這裡就是指收穫、獲得的意思。

It was honored for its visual effects, cinematography and original score, in addition to Lee’s directing. The best-director race was seen as the night’s biggest surprise as Steven Spielberg had been favored for “Lincoln.”

visual effects, cinematography and original score 這些都是奧斯卡的獎項讓我們來看看奧斯卡有什麼獎項呢?
Best Actor in a Leading Role 最佳男主角
Best Actor in a Supporting Role 最佳男配角
Best Actress in a Leading Role 最佳女主角
Best Actress in a Supporting Role:最佳女配角
Best Animated Feature 最佳動畫
Best Animated Short Film 最佳動畫短篇
Best Art Direction   最佳藝術指導
Best Cinematography     最佳攝影
Best Costume  最佳服裝設計
Best Documentary Feature     最佳紀錄片
Best Documentary (short subject)  最佳紀錄短片
Best Film Editing    最佳剪輯
Best Foreign Film   最佳外語片
Best Live Action Short Film   最佳紀實短片
Best Makeup   最佳化妝
Best Original Score 最佳配樂
Best Original Song  最佳電影主題曲
Best Sound     最佳音效
Best Sound Editing        最佳音效剪輯
Best Visual Effects 最佳視覺特效
Honorary Award     終身成就獎


Taiwanese TV stations on Monday called Lee “the Glory of Taiwan” and reran his Oscar ceremony address in which he said that he could not have made the movie “without the help of Taiwan.”

“the Glory of Taiwan” 我們最常看到的台灣之光這個詞,下次看到知道該如何寫了吧!

Lee has said the key setting for “Life of Pi” — a large water tank built at a studio in Taiwan — allowed the crew to use its imagination freely and not be restrained (限制) by Hollywood values.
The film has been a global box-office success and did well in Taiwan because of Lee’s popularity and because much of it was shot on the island. After his win, Lee encouraged other Asian and non-American filmmakers to try to tackle Hollywood.

Tackle 就如下圖的動作,像美式足球一般擒抱對手,這裡就是指挑戰、解決好萊屋。

“I think sometimes this disadvantage can be an advantage. The fact that I come from another culture makes me special,” he said.
Lee won his first best director Academy Award for 2005’s “Brokeback Mountain.” He also had been nominated for “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.”

