2013年1月31日 星期四




Animation Basks (取暖、曬太陽) in Oscar Spotlight
Tim Burton’s “Frankenweenie” is an Oscar nominee.

LOS ANGELES — At one minute 45 seconds, with credits, “Fresh Guacamole“(酪梨沙拉醬(一種含酪梨泥的墨西哥涼拌醬)) is the briefest film ever nominated for an Oscar. It’s a stop-motion short in which that popular avocado dish is remade with different ingredients, starting with a grenade (手榴彈)in place of the avocado(酪梨). The short, made by an animator known as PES, is a sequel (續集) of sorts to “Western Spaghetti,” a stop-motion (停格動畫) recipe (食譜) of pickup sticks pasta and Rubik’s cube garlic. It’s the first film PES, born Adam Pesapane, submitted (呈交) for Oscar consideration (候選、考量), a process that presented some challenges for a filmmaker whose work usually lives on YouTube.

Fresh Guacamole, a nominated animated short, is by PES.
You have to jump through some hoops (束縛、箍)” to get a theatrical (劇場的) screening (選拔、篩選), as required (必須的) by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (動畫藝術和科學學院,奧斯卡的官方選評單位), Mr. Pesapane said in an interview on Tuesday from his home in Santa Monica, Calif. The film, commissioned (受委託的) by Showtime, had its premiere (首映) before “The Artist” at a Hollywood theater last year and was programmed by the Laemmle Theaters, an art-house chain here. Despite its brevity (簡短,brief的名詞變化型) and deceptively (迷惑地) simple concept the short took four months, upward (超過) of $50,000 and a team of technical (技術的) experts (專家) to create. “The guys who did ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ the Bane mask (蝙蝠俠黑暗騎士:黎明昇起裡戴著防毒面具的一個角色) , painted all the stuff for this film,” Mr. Pesapane said.

With a career as a commercial (廣告) director, Mr. Pesapane, 39, who is working on a feature-length (正片長度) project (計畫) or two — an adaptation (改編) of the Garbage Pail Kids (垃圾Pali孩,某部劇本) series may get off the ground (開始) first — said he hoped the Oscar nomination for his micro-opus (微著作、微電影) would help him gain Hollywood momentum (動能). Thanks to a recent rule change this year the entire membership of the Academy is invited to vote on entries in the short-film categories. (The Oscar-nominated shorts, animated and live action, open theatrically (戲劇化地) on Friday.)

You can’t get any higher award for making short films, let alone minute-and-40 second films,” PES said. In place of the usual “For Your Consideration” ads that studios run touting their films, he and his wife and collaborator (合作者), Sarah Phelps, had another slogan (標語) idea: “For Your Amusement.(樂趣、娛樂)”
 Focus Features
ParaNorman joins two other stop-action Oscar nominees.

While no one was looking, this year’s Oscars have become a hotbed (溫床) for animation lovers. For starters an animator, Seth MacFarlane, a creator of “Family Guy” and “The Cleveland Show,” is hosting the ceremony (典禮) on Feb. 24. There are 5 nominees (被提名者) for best animated film — usually there are three — reflecting (反映) a record 21 such features (作為主要角色、角逐) up for consideration this season. (There were also more contenders (競爭者) in the shorts categories.) Collectively (共同的) the full-length Oscar hopefuls have made more than $542 million at the box office (票房), mostly thanks to Pixar/Disney’s “Brave,” a rebel (反叛) princess story with a bow-and-arrow-shooting heroine (女英雄), and “Wreck-It Ralph,” a pop culture mash-up (大亂鬥、大雜燴) of retro (復古、懷舊) video games and cartoons. The other three nominees are done in stop-motion, an old animation form (體裁) that rarely crops up (被提到) so frequently (頻繁的) in one year.

When we did ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ (聖誕夜驚魂,以黏土、人偶、定格模型所做成的動畫) in 1993, a stop-motion (定格動畫) feature was pretty much unheard-of,” said Tim Burton, whose “Frankenweenie,” using the same technique (技術), is a nominee this year. It is based on a live-action short he made in 1984, when he was briefly an animator at Disney. “Though even in the ’80s Rick Heinrichs,” his production designer (設計師), “and I pitched (定位、定調) it as a stop-motion film,” Mr. Burton wrote in an e-mail. “It seemed the perfect medium for the feature. There’s something tangible (實體的) and so beautifully textured (特徵顯著的、特色鮮明的) about stop-motion. I’ve always loved it.”

And Mr. Burton helped inaugurate (使就職) a generation (世代) of artists: Chris Butler worked on “Corpse Bride (喪屍新娘)” (directed by Mr. Burton and Mike Johnson), a nominee in 2006, before going on to write and co-direct (共同執導) “ParaNorman,” another stop-motion nominee this year. Though the stop-motion films earned a fraction (小部分) of the ticket sales of their fully digital (數位的) compatriots (夥伴), their triple recognition (賞識) acknowledges (公認) “the craftsmanship (技術) and the art that goes into these things,” Mr. Butler said. “We always say it’s like making a live-action movie in miniature (縮影) at a glacial (冰河時期的) pace (速度).”

In a joint (共同的) phone interview (採訪) on Tuesday, Sam Fell, the other director of “ParaNorman,” about a boy who can communicate (溝通) with ghosts, added that “quite often it’s the stop-motion movies that are more out there,” adding, “They’re a little quirkier (詭詐多變的), they’re a little harder to pin down (約束).”

Frankenweenie” is a horror-inspired (由恐怖片受啟發的) take on a boy who reanimates (使復活) his dead dog, with gleefully (歡欣的), ghoulishly (殘忍的) Burtonian (Burton式的,聖誕夜驚魂作者的姓轉品為形容詞;他的作品風格多為陰暗、詭異又帶點可愛) results. Mr. Burton said that film is “about how people question the value of science and art in this world, the creative mind in general, and accepting someone who thinks differently.”

Another nominee, “The Pirates (海盜)! Band of Misfits (不合群的傢伙),” directed by Peter Lord, is a resplendently (耀眼地、燦爛地) silly tale (故事、傳說) that joins Charles Darwin, Queen Victoria and a formally clad chimp (穿著老舊正式襯衫的黑猩猩) on the high seas.

With “ParaNorman,” “Frankenweenie” and “The Pirates! Band of Misfits” in production at roughly (大約地) the same time, there was even a shortage (短缺) of stop-motion experts. “We had to find a whole bunch (一票) of people, the next generation even, young people who just made a short film in their bedroom,” Mr. Fell said. “It really grew the community this year.” With the lengthy production process (過程), “one movie in this medium is long enough for someone to really progress from being very inexperienced to having a real handle on the medium,” he said.

Since the animated feature category (項目) was introduced (作為開始) at the Oscars for 2001 productions (製作), the Academy’s short film and feature animation branch (分支), which includes career cartoonists as well as designers and filmmakers, has regularly included stop-motion and hand-drawn (手繪) fare (費用) — the work on which many in the field cut their teeth (第一次學到經驗). The nominees are chosen by a volunteer group of 100 to 125 Academy members, half from the animation branch and half not, who must watch at least three-fourths of the eligible (合乎資格的) films, all on the big screen, said Jon Bloom, a governor (董事) and the chairman (主席) of the branch. This has led to some grumbling (抱怨、發牢騷) that the committee (委員會) is a self-selected group, perhaps retirees (退休人員), whose tastes might skew to (偏向) the pre-computer graphics era.

The category is likened (比做) to foreign film and best picture, meaning that what we’re instructed (告知、吩咐) to vote on is the entire achievement (成就),” Mr. Bloom said. “We’re not voting on the best animation but the best animated film in its totality (整體), and that means story and performance and animation and everything.”

The feature winners are chosen by the Academy over all. The animation industry’s (產業的) version of the Oscars, the Annies, will be handed out (送出、繳出) on Saturday; all five Oscar nominees are contenders there too, with other studio films like DreamWorks’ “Rise of the Guardians” and Sony Pictures’ “Hotel Transylvania.” “Brave” won the Golden Globe (金球獎) for animation but awards watchers are split (意見分歧的) on whether it, “Frankenweenie,” “ParaNorman” or “Wreck-It Ralph” lead the field at the Oscars. Clark Spencer, the producer of “Wreck-It Ralph,” whose art direction spans (延伸到) the evolution (發展) of video games, from the earliest eight-bit (八位元) to the complex digital multiplayers (多人玩家連線) today, said that as audiences have been primed (準備好) by all different styles of animation, they are eager for more, whether that is a retro stop-motion look or a cutting-edge (前衛、尖端的) 3-D scene. “You tell a great story, but people always want to know what’s going to be unique (獨特) about it visually,” he said.

And the Academy, Mr. Bloom said, is acutely aware (察覺) of the role that blockbuster (票房強檔) animated films play in the telecast (有線電視節目). That’s why the award is usually presented early during the ceremony. “The Academy is hoping to get interest in the Oscars from young viewers who may be going to bed soon afterward,” he said, “trying to indoctrinate (灌輸、教育) a new generation.”

什麼是Stop motion呢?看看下面的影片你就會了解

mash-up 這個字原本的意思是,將兩首歌混在一起做混音,所以引伸可以當作大亂鬥、大雜燴

high seas 就是公海的意思

You have to jump through some hoops 跳出框框思考


